COVID-19 is a virus and should be taken seriously.
Posting and sharing endless 'conspiracy
theories' will not change a single thing.
The cause of COVID-19 is animal farming,
meat markets, wet markets and the wildlife trade.
If you are not VEGAN, you are directly contributing to
these pandemics. A vaccine won't solve the problem if people continue
exploiting and manipulating animals on a daily basis.
If you a meat eater, you are already
breeding the next pandemic. *Yes, it's your fault..
No, a lockdown is not 'the government
trying to control you'. We are trying to slow down the spread of disease from
one host to another. It's called 'common sense'.
There is no proof COVID-19 is related to
5G, chemtrails, or a biological weapon.
The Earth is trying to heal and recover.
Sabine Blais**********************************************
COVID-19 es un virus y se debe tomárlo en serio.
Postear y compartir ‘teorías de conspiración’ no cambia ni soluciona nada.
La causa del COVID-19 es la ganadería, mercados de carne, mercados de animales vivos y el tráfico de animales salvajes.
Si Ud. no es VEGAN@, esta contribuyendo a las pandemias. Una vacuna no puede solucionar el problema si la gente sigue explotando y manipulando animales diariamente.
Si comes carne, estas provocando la próxima pandemia. Si, la responsabilidad es tuya.
No, la cuarentena no es una ‘forma de control del gobierno’. Estamos intentando frenar la propagación del virus, de una persona a la otra. Es sentido común.
Hay ninguna prueba que el COVID-19 sea relacionado con 5G, los chemtrails y un arma biológica.
La Tierra esta sanando y sigue recuperándose.
Sabine Blais