martes, 16 de enero de 2018

Who are the Andromedans?

Andromedan beings come from the Andromeda galaxy, which is the nearest spiral galaxy to ours (the Milky Way).  Many Andromedans appear human and possess powerful energies.   They live in the 5th, 6th and higher dimensions and are completely invisible and unnoticeable to humans on Earth.  Unlike other extraterrestrials, they don’t use spacecraft in order to travel through space.  Instead, they travel through energy portals.  Andromedans don’t rely on advanced technologies or machines; however, the more advanced Andromedans possess strong magical powers and use different kinds of energies.  People in Andromedan worlds are connected to the elements of nature and live in harmony with the land.

They can move objects at a distance, control the elements and they are telepathic.  Many types of Andromedans appear as elemental beings similar to tall Elves, gnomes and other elemental creatures such as dragons, talking trees, etc.   There are many types of galactic elementals in Andromedan worlds. 

Andromedan humans are generally stronger, fitter and are more resilient than Earth humans.  Human civilizations in Andromedan worlds resemble those of the Vikings, the ancient Celts or medieval societies. However, humans from these worlds can have a variety of eye, skin and hair colour. 

Many Andromedan beings are presently on Earth and are settled in different parts of the world.  They are invisible to people here, and go unnoticed.  They are here to help humanity evolve and re-connect with the Earth.  They are also among us to help protect the environment, animals and plant life.

Andromedan people are very elusive beings and are very selective of whom they choose to communicate with.   They carry a vast amount of knowledge and are willing to teach humanity on Earth.

Sabine Blais

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